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Neprijetna resnica o vodi iz plastenke
Napisal: nasal | 31. Avgust 2009, 11:47
Vse vrste vode morajo ustrezati pravilniku o vodi
31. avgust 2009 ob 10:04
Ljubljana - MMC RTV SLO

Èeprav v Sloveniji voda iz pipe velja za visokokakovostno, pa vse veè ljudi kupuje usteklenièeno vodo, ne da bi se zavedali, kako s tem onesnažujejo okolje.

Ustanova Umanotera (Slovenska fundacija za trajnostni razvoj) je julija skupaj z družbo Tam-Tam zaèela posebno kampanjo ozavešÃ¨anja o negativnih vplivih pitja usteklenièene vode na okolje. Na plakatih, ki jih je mogoèe videti po vsej Sloveniji, z besedami dr. Luèke Kajfež Bogataj tako med drugim opozarjajo, koliko pitne vode porabimo, èe spijemo eno steklenico usteklenièene.

Kot pojasnjuje Kajfež Bogatajeva, za en liter usteklenièene vode proizvajalci med delovnim procesom porabijo približno tri litre vode, "ki bolj ali manj onesnažena konèa kot odpadna voda".

Kot je razvidno s plakata Umanotere, kubièni meter pitne vode iz vodovoda v Sloveniji stane povpreèno 1,24 evra. Kozarec vode (2 dl) nas tako stane 0,00025 evra oz. 0,025 centa. Za kubièni meter usteklenièene vode pa moramo odšteti v povpreèju kar 280 evrov, oz. èe to preraèunamo na dva decilitra, 0,056 evra (5,6 centov). Usteklenièena voda je tako v Sloveniji kar 225-krat dražja od tiste iz pipe, v svetu pa je razlika še veèja - kot navaja Kajfež Bogatajeva, je usteklenièena voda v povpreèju kar od 240- do 10.000-krat dražja od pitne vode iz vodovoda.

Kakovost obeh vrst vode mora biti enaka
Kajfež Bogatajeva še piše, da smo "Slovenci za trendovsko vodo pripravljeni plaèati tudi do tisoèkrat veè, èeprav zanjo velja enak pravilnik o kakovosti vode kot za vodo iz pipe". "Pravilnik je dober in usklajen z evropskimi smernicami, drastièno pa je zaostril koncentracijo nekaterih škodljivih snovi, npr. pesticidov," še razlaga redna profesorica in predstojnica katedre za agrometeorologijo na biotehniški fakulteti v Ljubljani. Po besedah klimatologinje je voda, ki priteèe skozi pipo, sveža in bogata s kisikom, "pri vodi iz plastenke pa lahko gre za postano vodo".

Neverjetna odkritja neverjetno èistih izvirov
"Nekateri proizvajalci pijaè imajo res sreèo, saj so na svojih dvorišÃ¨ih sredi mest "odkrili" najbolj kakovostne vodne vire in postavili donosne polnilnice. Le pešÃ¨ica med njimi prodaja pravo izvirsko vodo z boljšo kakovostjo pri izviru," piše Kajfež Bogatajeva, ob tem pa opozarja še na en vidik onesnaževanja z vodo iz plastenk: "Neprijetna resnica je, da s pitjem vode iz plastenk po nepotrebnem ustvarjamo odpadke in obremenjujemo naše okolje."

Še najbolj pa okolje onesnažujejo steklenice iz polietilentereftalata (PET-embalaža), v katero je "zapakirana" voda. Za izdelavo tipiène enolitrske plastenke, zamaška in preostalega pakiranja porabimo približno 3,4 megadžulov energije. "Sodèek nafte hrani v sebi okoli 6.000 megadžulov energije, kar pomeni, da iz enega sodèka nafte naredijo okrog 1.760 enolitrskih plastenk," piše strokovnjakinja.

Sprazniš eno plastenko, porabiš èetrt litra nafte
Kajfež Bogatajeva dodaja še: "Èe bi dva milijona Slovencev vsak dan v letu popilo le eno tako steklenico, pomeni to, da smo samo za plastenke porabili približno 415.000 sodèkov nafte. Tej kolièini nafte pa moramo prišteti še fosilna goriva, ki smo jih porabili, ko smo vodo polnili, prevažali, hladili najprej v trgovini, nato pa še v domaèem hladilniku."

Èe bi želeli ponazoriti vso porabljeno energijo za izdelavo tipiène enolitrske plastenke, zamaška in preostalega pakiranja z nafto, si predstavljajte, da vsakiè, ko izpraznite ltrsko plastenko, v njej porabite tudi èetrt litra nafte.

IVZ: Najbolj priporoèljiva je voda iz pipe
Za konec pa le še to: tudi na Inštitutu za varovanje zdravja za pitje najbolj priporoèajo vodo iz vodovoda: "V Sloveniji je oskrba s pitno vodo za veèino prebivalstva ustrezno urejena, zato priporoèamo uživanje vodovodne pitne vode. Mineralna voda je za mladostnike prav tako ustrezna. Od pijaè, ki vsebujejo sadni in zelenjavni delež, se priporoèajo predvsem sadni in zelenjavni sokovi, predvsem tisti brez dodanega sladkorja. Za žejo se priporoèajo tudi nesladkani zelišÃ¨ni in sadni èaji."
7 branj, 1 komentarjev
Take 18 Minutes to Keep Your Days on Track
Napisal: nasal | 26. Julij 2009, 15:24
According to the Harvard Business blog, you can organize an eight-hour work day and keep it on track by creating a ritual that'll only take a total of 18 minutes each day.

Harvard Business blog's Peter Bregman outlines three steps on how to avoid those days when you can barely remember what you intended to accomplish by the time you reach for your keyboard:

STEP 1 (5 Minutes) Set Plan for Day.
STEP 2 (1 minute every hour) Refocus..
STEP 3 (5 Minutes) Review.

Basically, you'll start the day off right by grabbing a sheet of paper and writing down the goals which you can realistically accomplish that day. The important part is to immediately assign time slots to those tasks by order of importance and difficulty because these designated times make you more likely to accomplish your goals and give you a way of tracking your progress once every hour. At the end of the work day, you'll take a few minutes to review not just the last hour, but the entire day. Did you stay on track? What can you do differently tomorrow to retain or improve your productivity?

Check out the full details on this time management ritual on the Harvard Business blog and tell us about how you organize your days and prevent slumps in productivity. Do you have a ritual or do you fly by the seat of your pants and hope for the best? Share your workday time management successes (or failures) in the comments.
3 branj, 0 komentarjev
How To Feng Shui Your Bedroom
Napisal: nasal | 21. Julij 2009, 11:22
Your bedroom is your ultimate inner sanctum where you are at your most vulnerable while you sleep and recharge your chi. From a yin/yang perspective, this is a more yin, quiet and peaceful environment; you need to feel protected and do not want distracting and powerful chi to disturb you. At the same time, there needs to be a good circulation of chi and plenty of fresh air available to recharge you.

Here are 16 tips to Feng Shui your bedroom. Make this all-important room a sanctuary:

1. Ideally, the bedroom should be as far away as possible from the front door, mirroring the practice of our prehistoric ancestors who did not sleep in the mouth of their cave.

2. On entering your bedroom, note where the windows are located. Chi tends to travel between the door and any windows, so avoid positioning your bed in line with this ‘”draught’” of chi.

3. Position your bed so that you can see the door from where you sleep. This gives you a deep sense of inner security.

4. If it is feasible, position your bed as far away from the door as possible.

5. Avoid sleeping with your head close to a window as your chi will dissipate through the window and make you feel more tired on awakening.

6. If you have a bathroom, toilet or shower leading off your bedroom, make sure that the toilet door is always shut while you are asleep.

7. To help you protect your own chi while you are asleep, to internalize it and recharge it, make sure you have a strong, stable headboard. Chi energy enters and exits the body through the feet, hands and the top of the skull. Having a solid “mountain” behind you while you sleep is far more beneficial than a cold, blank wall or worse, the cutting chi of an ornate brass bedstead.

8. If you sleep with another person, note the position of your bed relative to the wall that it is up against. Is it equidistant? In the middle of the wall? This is vital in a relationship as it gives both individuals who share the bed equality in the relationship. A shared bed crammed into the corner of a room, is giving more freedom of chi to the individual on the open side whereas the partner will literally and symbolically feel up against a wall.

9. Make sure all bedside tables have rounded edges and not square to prevent cutting chi being focused towards the occupants. If two sleep in the bed, ensure matching beside tables on either side for added stability and protection in the relationship.

10. Ceiling beams above the bed are a feng shui nightmare. They can be a source of cutting chi and the beams carry a tremendous load, and this pressure is focused into the beams generating chi which continues downwards, placing direct pressure on you while you sleep. Some tips:
Paint the beams; drape fabric over the beams; hang bamboo flutes 2-3 inches below the beam to soften the load (the flutes are hung at a 45-degree angle to the beam with the mouthpiece downwards).

11. If you sleep with another person, make sure your bed is symbolic of this relationship. Beds that are rickety or likely to fall part speak volumes about the state of the relationship.

12. Given that the bedroom is a more yin environment, the lighting that you choose needs to reflect this. Soft lighting is ideal. Avoid having ceiling lamps right directly over your bed.

13. Pastel colors are ideal.

14. Avoid sleeping with your image visible in a mirror. the worst scenario of all is a mirror at the foot of your bed.

15. Place something beautiful that inspires you where you first look in the morning.

16. Pay attention to what is under your bed. Keep the space clear and get rid of any unwanted items there.
2 branj, 1 komentarjev
Never Give Up
Napisal: nasal | 12. Julij 2009, 16:15
Author Michael Jeffreys personally interviewed 15 top motivational gurus in 1997 for his then upcoming book. After talking to gurus from Brian Tracy to Dr. Wayne Dyer, he distilled 8 Secrets to Success they all agreed upon. These secrets are still good today and are as follows:

1. Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life – In a society where people blame everything from their parents to the government for failure, those who don’t buy into this mentality or succumb to the “victim” thinking succeed. To blame something or somebody outside yourself is saying they have control of your life and not you. Someone else’s opinion of you doesn’t have to become your reality.

2. Live Your Life On Purpose - What separates motivational thinkers from the unsuccessful is that they believe they’re doing what they were put her to do. The difference between this and just living, is that the latter is just getting through the week with the least problems. But when you live your life on purpose, your main concern is doing the job right. For the entrepreneur this means finding a cause you believe in and building your business around it.

3. Be Willing to Pay the Price - Be willing to pay the price for your dreams. Wanting a big house, a luxury car, and a million dollars in the bank is all very nice, and everyone wants these things – but are you willing to pay the price to get them? This is one of the major differences between the successful and unsuccessful.

4. Stay Focused – Every day we’re bombarded with hundreds of tasks, phone calls, messages, and everyone competing for our time. Focusing requires giving up something in the present because you are investing your time in something that will pay off big-time down the road. Jack Canfield and Mark Hanson were turned by 30 publishers when they submitted the first “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book. Instead of giving up, they stayed focused on their goal and did four or five interviews per day for radio, TV, and newspapers, for five days a week for a whole year. Eventually, a small publisher decided to take a chance, and of course now it’s a best-seller that spawned an entire series that have sold more than 10 million copies.

5. Become An Expert in Your Field One striking factor all successful people have in common is how seriously they take their profession. They strive to be the best at what they do, and do almost anything to improve. If someone followed you around all day with a video camera at your business, would it be a tape you’d be proud of or embarrassed about? Make the decision today to work at being the best in your field. How? By finding out what the “best” in your field are doing, and do what they do.

6. Write Out a Plan for Achieving Your Goals - Write out an action plan/map for how you’re going to achieve your goals. Trying to reach your goals without a plan is like trying to drive from Los Angeles to Chicago without a map. A goal that isn’t written down is merely a wish or fantasy.

 Never Give Up -
 Never, never, never give up. When you’re fully committed to achieving your goal, giving up is not an option. You must be willing do whatever it takes to make it happen. The power of perseverance is an awesome force. As someone once said, “inch by inch it’s a cinch”. Think of the lowly inchworm – if it pondered the length of the trip from start to finish before it started, it probably would never move. To a worm’s point-of-view, the garden path must look like a trip to Mars. Never give up! Keep on going like the Eveready battery bunny, and pretty soon you’re there.

8. Don’t Delay - Nobody knows how much time they have left to accomplish their dreams, and we must remember that we don’t have forever. The clock is ticking, and sooner or later your number comes up and you’re gone. Successful achievers know this too, but they don’t view it as a “negative”. Achievers use it to “spur them on”. They go after what they want as energetically and as passionately as possible, for as long as they have.

I had a friend who used to say, “Today is a check – cash it! Yesterday is an I.O.U. – forget it! Tomorrow is a promissory note, don’t bank on it!” I think that’s a pretty good summation of life, so go out there and cash in on that “today” check.
4 branj, 0 komentarjev
Napisala: | 21. April 2009, 14:29
torej, bi vas prosila da mi rešite teh par uprašanj ker vem da znate bolj od mene in bi blo lepo èe bi mi pomagali :)
Okna so:
a) operacijski sistem
b) uporabniški vmesnik
c) operacijski sistem in uporabniški vmesnik
Za pomnilnik v raèunalniku štejemo:
a) RAM
b) RAM in trajni pomnilnik
c) še neki tretjega ma se ne spomnim
Loèljivost zaslona je pogojena z:
a) gostoto pik
b) številom barv
c) gostoto pik in številom barv, ki jih zaslon prikazuje
V Oknih ukaze:
a) klikamo z miško
b) tipkamo
c) klikamo z miško in obèasno kaj natipkamo
France Prešeren - DOMINUS VOBISCUM
Napisal: nasal | 20. Marec 2009, 22:41
Oèe Janez jeèmen seje,
tam na polju pr' Ljubljan',
mim' se vandrovèek prismeje,
sam presveti Kozmijan.

Prav prijazno ga pozdravi:
''Kaj pa delaš Janez tu?!''
Janez pa je slabe volje:
''Kurc te gleda!'' reèe mu.

''Kaj svetnika kurc bi gledal!''
reèe sveti Kozmijan.
''Bom naredil coprnijo,
da bo svet v pokoro djan!''

Komaj misli te izreèe,
z njive kurci poženo.
Janez brž po Katro teèe:
''Katra, Katra kaj bo to?''

Katra ven iz kajže teèe,
vid' na njiv' soldate stat,
od veselja si jo mane:
''Moj ga 'ma t'ko sam za scat!''

Katra prvega natakne
gori doli vzdihujoè.
Niti enkrat ji ne zmakne,
z njim jo drajsa celo noè.

Drugo jutro polna njiva
samih strumnih je devic,
vse poèepa in poriva,
saj na svet je dost' prasic.

Izmed vseh ljubljanske frajle
najbolj vnetih so pizda,
zaslužile bi kolajne,
znajo fukat kar za dva.

Sem prišle so na kurbanje,
tud' Ljubljanèanke gospe,
najdeb'lejši so le zanje,
da se v pizdah ne zgube.

Jel' to morje Adrijansko,
ki tak strašno valovi.
Ne, to pizdovje je ljubljansko,
ki na kurcih se besni.

Sred najveèje kurbarije
pride mimo coprn'ca,
pa si zmisli coprnijo,
da bi stvar še lažje šla.

''Stojte pizde nenasitne!
Kaj nek fukate èepe?
Zmatrajo se žile ritne,
lepš' porivat je leže.

Kurce ven iz zemlje spul'te
in zavijte jih v papir.
Z njim doma si pizde gul'te,
da bo rit imela mir.

Reci:''Dominus vobiscum!''
dominus ti v pizdo skoè',
pa boš imela svoj pritiskum,
k' te bo drajsal celo noè.

Kadar pride ti zastoèi:
''Etkum spiritus tuo!''
Dominus ti iz ritke skoèi
požegnavši te z vodo.

Ženske so tako storile,
kurc pod pajsko pa domov,
kar naprej so se gonile,
furt na furt jih je bezov.

Pele dominus so rano,
pele dominus zveèer.
Vse po poslah je poscano,
dominus je huda zver.

Tudi Katra s svojim leže
in nastavi si ga v rit.
Dominus ji koj postreže,
tri dni se je niè ne vid.

Še èetrti in še peti
Katra v luštih izdrži.
A deveti in deseti
pizda veè je ne srbi.

Že sta tedna dva minila,
Katra je že èisto preè,
je besede pozabila,
da b' je kurc ne fukal veè.

Dominus pa kar poriva,
ne minute ni pr' mir'.
Katra je napol še živa,
pizda kot zmeèkan krompir.

Kje si pizdica nekdanja,
ki si kurce stiskala?
Razcefrana kakor cunja
blagor mu k' spomin ima.

''O nesreèni fuk gol'fivi,''
še enkrat spregovori.
Med neštetimi porivi
bogu dušo izpusti.

Dajo gor jo na te pare,
ni je veè ko par kosti.
Dominus naprej jih tare,
moè ustaviti ga ni.

Še ko trugo so zabili,
spaka je po njej bezov.
Kmal' bi trugo iz rok spustili,
t'ko je butal ob pokrov.

S štriki so jo povezali
in spustili jo v zemljo.
Pol so patra poklicali,
prièak'vali, kaj da bo.

Pater grobu se približa
sliš' v jami ropotat,
od strahu se brž prekriža,
mal' ga tudi prime srat.

Pater dominus zapoje,
hoèe Katro poškropit,
-kurc naj gleda žegne tvoje-
dominus mu skoèi v rit.

K sreèi mežnar se požuri:
''Etkum spiritus tuo!''
Dominus jo z rit odkuri,
veè nazaj ga ni bilo.

Katra v grobu mir uživa,
moli zanjo èe s' kristjan.
''Vsega zla je pizda kriva!''
pravi sveti Kozmijan.
4 branj, 3 komentarjev
Zlato piratsko plošèo prejme... Zablujena Generacija!
Napisal: nasal | 09. Februar 2009, 12:23
Letošnji koncertni dogodek bodo pri glasbeni založbi Panker studio izkoristili, da Zablujeni generaciji podelijo prav posebno priznanje imenovano ZLATA PIRATSKA PLOŠÃˆA. Omenjena nagrada založbe Panker studio, je novost v glasbenem svetu in kot taka predstavlja nadaljevanje, v preteklosti vsem znane Zlate plošÃ¨e, ki so jo založbe podeljevale na podlagi prodanih plošÃ¨. Priznanje Zlato piratsko plošÃ¨o prejmejo namreè samo izvajalci, katerih album se je v preteklem letu piratsko »downloadal« v veè kot 3000 izvodih in Zablujencem je to tudi uspelo.

Na dogodku bo potekala akcija »zamenjaj piratski izvod za original«. Vsi tisti, kateri bi radi svojo piratsko razlièico albuma zamenjali za original, boste do želenega izvoda prišli z menjavo staro za novo. Torej vse kar morate storiti je, da na koncert s seboj prinesete piratsko verzijo albuma (strokovna komisija bo preverila vsebino) in v kolikor gre dejansko za zadnji izdani album Zablujencev, ga lahko na lastno željo zamenjate za originalni izvod. Diskretnost zagotovljena!
2 branj, 1 komentarjev
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