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7.00 MBDodana:
24. Februar 2008, 14:11Predvajana:
56 kratPriljubljena:
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Standing at the bus stop with my shopping in my hands
And I'm overhearing elder ladies
As the rumours start to fly
You can hear them in the school yard
In the scrap yard
In the chip shop
In the phone box
In the pool hall
At the shoe store
Every corner turn around
It started with a school girl
Who was running
Running home to her Mam and Dad
Told them she was playing, in the change room of the local foorball side
They said tell us again, she told them again, tell us the truth, they find it hard to believe
And I'm overhearing elder ladies
As the rumours start to fly
You can hear them in the school yard
In the scrap yard
In the chip shop
In the phone box
In the pool hall
At the shoe store
Every corner turn around
It started with a school girl
Who was running
Running home to her Mam and Dad
Told them she was playing, in the change room of the local foorball side
They said tell us again, she told them again, tell us the truth, they find it hard to believe