Sting (born Gordon Matthew Sumner on October 2, 1951) is an English musician from Newcastle upon Tyne. Prior to a distinguished solo career, he was the lead singer, principal composer and bassist of the 1970s/1980s rock band The Police.
Sumner was born in Wallsend, near Newcastle upon Tyne in northeast England, to Audrey Cowell and her husband, Ernest Sumner. He is the eldest of four children and has a brother, Philip, and two sisters, Angela and Anita. His father managed a dairy, and as a boy Sumner would often assist him with the early morning milk delivery rounds. Sumner was raised in the Roman Catholic tradition, due to the influence o... preberi veè »
Oznake: rock, pop, classic rock, singer-songwriter, british
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Bring On The Night (disc 1)
Bring on the Night
Consider Me Gone
Low Life
We Work The Black Seam
Driven To Tears
The Dream Of The Blue Turtles
Consider Me Gone
Low Life
We Work The Black Seam
Driven To Tears
The Dream Of The Blue Turtles
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