
There are at least two artists sharing the name Arisa: 1) a Japanese jazz singer; 2) an Italian pop singer. 2) Arisa (real name Rosalba Pippa) (Genova, 20 Agosto 1982) is an italian singer. The name Arisa is an acronymous of the initial letters of her relatives, Antonio: the father, Rosalba: herself, Isabella: sister, Sabrina: sister, Assunta: the mother. After winning the contest SanremoLab, She attended the 59th San Remo Song Festival in the category New Proposals with the song Sicerit
Oznake: italian, pop, female vocalists, sanremo, sanremo 2009
Poslušano: 1 krat
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Naslov: Buona Notte
Album: Sincerita'
Dolžina: 03:53
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